Employer Resource Database

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Prestige Home Services

An expert home cleaing company with a price starts from HK$100/hour.

Hong Kong Island

The cleaning price starts from HK$128/hour

Kowloon Peninsula

The basic household cleaning price starts from HK$130/hour

Master Clean
Lantau Island

Master Clean provides expert cleaning service. Its services is suitable for different purposes of cleaning.

Nanny & Me
Lantau Island

From $150+ per hour for a minimum booking of four hours.

Kowloon Peninsula

An independent non-governmental organisation that provides different kinds of child-care services. To access this organisation's service, you will be assessed to check about the qualification.

Hong Kong Island

A well developed home-service websites with a lot of specific services provided. The price for child care service starts from HK$110 to HK$180

The Nanny Experts
Hong Kong Island

Monthly payment for each nanny, the price starts from HK$25,000/month.

Rent-a-Mum Premium Child-Care Agency
Kowloon Peninsula

Customers need contact the agency for detailed price charging.

Lantau Island

Hourly rate for nannies start at HK$80/hour.

Hong Kong Island

Rates starting at HK$120/hour

Top Maids Home Cleaning Co
Hong Kong Island

This company provide a 4-hours-deap-cleaning package service, pricing HK$400/Time

Hong Kong Island

Pro360 platform provides local part-time helpers with different kinds of service. Basic service charge varies from HK$100- HK$300/hour.

Hong Kong Island

HelperGo's website provide various service, both part-time and long-time included. The fundamental charge for an hour service is HK$146/order. This platform is a 24/7 operated, with high responding rate.

Smart Home
Lantau Island

Ballpark fees - 4hrs, 6 days per week part-time helper service costs HK$12,200/month. (Reference: MDW cost - Full-time, 6 days a week, min HK$4,870/month)

Hong Kong Island

This generic platform's "part-time helper" service can be easily located on the website, and it's promoted as the most popular service.

Merry Maids
Hong Kong Island

Ask company for detailed price charging infomation.

ERB Smart Living
Kowloon Peninsula

The government-run ERB (Employees Retraining Board) manages Smart Living, a one-stop referral platform, for HK residents to employ local domestic workers. Services include household chores, elderly/patient care, health massage services.