When a Migrant Domestic Worker (MDW)’s pregnancy is discovered or announced, both the MDW and her employer are likely to experience an array of emotions about the future.

It often takes a lot of bravery for a MDW to tell her employer she is pregnant. For those whose pregnancies were planned, there may be a sense of nervous anticipation. But for many others, love scams and a lack of reproductive health knowlege can lead to a MDW’s unexpected pregnancy. When that happens the MDW may feel confused and anxious.

For the employer, their initial reaction is often one of shock, betrayal and confusion when they learn their MDW is pregnant. Their minds race with multiple questions and concerns. She came here to work, why did she get pregnant? My husband and I work full-time. Can she cope with caring for my young children when she is pregnant? How will we manage when she is on maternity leave? These are all very real concerns that without careful thought and planning can result in a MDW being terminated and ultimately her child falling into crisis.

PathFinders is here to provide practical advice and help to ensure a pregnancy is managed in the best interests of all parties – the MDW mother, the employer, and most importantly the unborn child.

We have come up with useful resources for both MDWs and employers. MDWs can check out our informative resource cards on service providers in Hong Kong. Employers of pregnant MDWs can access our practical guidebook to navigate their next steps.

** The statutory maternity leave has been extended from 10 to 14 weeks with effect from 11 December 2020. For the maternity leave pay (MLP) of the 11th to 14th weeks’ maternity leave that is required to be paid and has been paid to the employee, MDW employers may submit applications for reimbursement of MLP under the RMLP Scheme: Easy Reimbursement Portal. **