All children receive a fair start in life

Ensure the most vulnerable and unsupported children in HK are protected and respected, and their migrant mothers are empowered to find a path to a brighter future

Value #2
Represents the emotions and motivation for what makes us feel happy and fulfilled, linked to our purpose and our ‘why’

Value #3
Reduce reliance and need for our support, by instilling knowledge and confidence within the community to support and care for each other

Value #4
Importance of self-care and team well-being, to better support and care for our community (you can’t pour from an empty cup)

Value #5
Acknowledges the strength of joining hands with others to achieve common goals and objectives

Value #6
Take responsibility for what we do. How we support our beneficiaries, how we spend donations to ensure they achieve maximum impact for our moms and babies, and how we conduct ourselves with our colleagues and on behalf of PathFinders that best represents our values and everything that we stand for