When Mus found out she was pregnant with Afiatul, despite the wonderful relationship with Charlie and Fanny, she was still fearful to let them know she was expecting a baby. She struggled with conflicting feelings throughout her entire pregnancy, often feeling afraid to lose her job and letting it affect her relationship with Charlie and Fanny. She also could not bear to bring herself to leave the family she had grown to be a part of.

It was only when Mus was going through labour pain at home when Charlie and Fanny found out she was having a baby. Much to Mus’ surprise, Charlie and Fanny never had the intention to end Mus’ employment. Though initially upset about being kept in the dark about the pregnancy, those feelings were short-lived. Instead, Charlie and Fanny took the initiative to pay for Afiatul’s expenses like nappies, medical care and other essentials, and they mobilised their entire family to offer care and support towards Mus and Afiatul. Afiatul has been living happily in HK together with the Charlie and Fanny’s family for more than a year well-loved and cared for by Mus and the Charlie’s entire family.

Our Case Worker supported Mus, Charlie and Fanny once Afiatul was born, by giving them sound information so both parties could make informed decisions – in the best interest of Afiatul. After much deliberation, Mus decided to head back to Indonesia this year and raise Afiatultogether with her husband and extended family. Charlie and Fanny have committed to financing Afiatul’s education and they continue their support and care for Afiatul and Mus across the miles.